Guillaume Apollinaire's poem of being caught in the beginning of WWI performed with original music inspired by Iggy and The Stooges "1969." For more about this and other combinations of various words with music visit
The next chapters in the story of the rape of Minerva Jones in Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology. For more about this and other combinations of various words with original music, visit
A poem of cruelty and chilling horror from Edgar Lee Masters Spoon River Anthology telling of the rape and death of the "town poetess." For more about this and other combinations of various words with original music visit
The character from Spoon River Anthology that most clearly invokes music has his epitaph performed with music. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
One of the hundreds of Midwestern characters' lives described in Edgar Lee Masters landmark "Spoon River Anthology". For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
Sara Teasdale's poem ambiguously situated between beauty exceeding the self and the end of self. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
A song of loss. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
Carl Sandburg portrayed a small Illinois town and garden in compressed Imagist form, and I performed it with a dig-the-slowness electronic score. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
Carl Sandburg sounds tremendously contemporary in this one: "So many lies, killing so cheap..." For more about this and other combinations of various words with original music visit
The closing poem from Carl Sandburg's Smoke and Steel with a full orchestral backing and dedicated to Renee Eve Robbins. For more about this and other combinations of various words with original music visit
In 1939 critic Philip Rahv said that the failure to successfully combine intellect and vitality endangered American Lit. Still true?
Here's my reading of a quote from a Rahv essay surrounded by an original orchestral score.
For more about this and other combinations of various words with original music visit
An exchange between H.D. and William Carlos Williams on the what might be a Modernist writer's outlook. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit