Yeats' harrowing plea for his country still resonates across nations and time. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
Rimbaud's mysterious poem/incantation is given a fresh rhyming translation and performed with a rock band. For more about this and other combination of various words with original music visit
Edna St. Vincent Millay's short poetic ghost story. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
Pablo Neruda's opening poem from his first popular collection performed from my new translation English translation. For more about this and other combinations of various words with original music visit
The 20th love poem in Pablo Neruda's "Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada" (Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair) performed in my own new English translation. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins' stern meditation on winter and adversity performed with Mellotron accompaniment. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music, visit
I was translating Dada founder Hugo Ball's 1924 poem when this week's events lead me to transform it into a blues. For more about this and other combinations of various word and original music, visit
Shakespeare's poem of winter endurance performed. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music go to
An 1896 poem about the experience of old age experiencing the unsettledness of sense of age performed with folk-rock accompaniment. The dream of life. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music visit
Ralph Waldo Emerson's lament for the past performed. For more about this and other combinations of various words and original music go to