Think of elegies as slow, somber tunes? Here's poet Dave Moore's rollicking but heart-felt elegy for poet-colleague Kevin FitzPatrick to bring down the end of our 2022.
Thomas Hardy's poem of wistful Christmas memories performed in this new song setting. For more about this and more than 650 other combinations of various words with original music, visit our archives at
Thomas Campion's Winter Solstice song performed. For more this and over 650 other combinations of various words (mostly poetry) combined with original music visit our archives at
For Emily Dickinson's Birthday, I'll sing a poem of hers that seems resonate to me now. That's kind of what the Parlando Project does. You can find over 650 other examples of us combining various words (mostly poetry) with original music in different styles in our archives at
This Emily Dickinson poem is a hymn to farm work. I've set it to music and performed it.
For more about this and over 650 other examples of various words (mostly poetry) combined with original music, visit our blog and archives at